Tips – Searching for a tech job during the pandemic

Tips – Searching for a tech job during the pandemic

Searching for a tech job during the pandemic – 6 Tips

Here are Six tips that should help you search for a job during this pandemic but can be used whenever the market is tough.

1. Tailor and personalise your application:

·This is not the time for generic job applications – it never should be but especially not now! Due to a potential increase in people looking for jobs and the decrease in companies hiring there will be more competition. So be specific about the experience you have relating to the job requirements

·Utilise LinkedIn as an online CV and be detailed about your experience here whilst ensuring qualifications are up to date.

2. Follow up!

·Don’t allow your application to go into a black hole – follow up and be sure to maintain a relationship with the relevant contact. They could be useful if another role comes up or if they move to another company and are looking to hire

·Following up is also a way to ensure your application is front of mind for the recruiting team

·Be sure to highlight why you are a good fit for the role when following up.

3. Network, network, network

· Let it be known that you are looking for a job. Reach out to old colleagues and see if they can help. Their current company may be hiring, or they may know external contacts who are looking for your skillset

· Contact recruiters you know and get an insight into the job market for your skillset. They could have a wide range of opportunities for you or at the very least be able to point you in the right direction regarding new jobs.

4. Stay busy and productive whilst in transition

· Be productive and sharpen your skills – complete courses, start a side project, build a website or recommender system, start a tech vlog. Get creative! Engage in some sort of project as if you’re employed. This will not only keep you busy, it will sharpen your skills and show employers that your intent on adding value regardless of your situation. Be sure to include these endeavours on your online profiles and CV

·Take advantage of the likes of Udemy, DataCamp, Codecademy, Coursera, Udemy, edX, Udacity Pluralsight and many others.

5. Stay ready, so you don’t have to get ready

·Crises happen. It affects EVERYONE regardless. Some are better able to cope and thrive than others and this usually comes down to the activities and value they were adding PRIOR to the pandemic/crisis. Whether this is adding to an emergency fund or being a star employee who goes above and beyond – now is a time to consider what you can do now to ensure you are better equipped in the future.

6. Stay positive

·Yes, companies ARE HIRING! This is not gloom and doom for all – storms don’t last forever, and firms are preparing for a bounce back by having the right talent in place – this could be YOU so stay positive. It’s not always about what happens to you but about HOW you respond to what happens to you. So, how will you respond?

If you found the above tips helpful, spread the love and share with others.

I’m happy to help with CV tips, guidance and of course career opportunities across data and digital. I’ll be posting more content on these areas so keep an eye out for that too!

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