Quick Fire Video Interview Tips

Quick Fire Video Interview Tips

Quick Fire Video Interview tips 

There has been a sharp increase in the use of Zoom, Microsoft Teams or other video solutions due to the shift to working from home. With this in mind I’ve compiled a list of quick fire tips for candidates to consider prior to their video interview.

1. Get dressed and look the part, but don’t’ go overboard!

2. Check sound, lighting, internet connection & equipment.

3. Find a private & quiet space where interuption is unlikely. (We have all seen the viral BBC interview!! – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mh4f9AYRCZY)

4. Maintain good posture.

5. Warm up your vocal cords. Speak out loud prior, to avoid the interview being the first time you’ve spoken in a while!

6. Utilise post it notes around your interview space. Use as prompts only & avoid staring at them.

7. When listening stay engaged through nodding & facial expressions. Body language is still important.

Simple but very necessary tips. Hope you found this useful!

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